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Bringing Life Into the Classroom :
Innovative use of mobile devices in the educational process
Project Summary
Project Priorities
Project Official Logo
Colegiul Tehnic Edmond Nicolau
IIS M.Filetico
Toki Halkali Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi
Agrupamento de Escolas da Maia
University of Minho
1st Lyceum of Rhodes-Venetokleio
Zespol Szkol J.Sarny w Gorzycach
Transnational Project Meetings (TPM)
Blended Mobilities of School Learners
Short-term Joint Staff Training Events
Intellectual Outputs
IO1 : A Study in European Context
IO2 : Teaching toolkit
IO3.1. : Lesson plans
IO3.2 : Guideline
IO4 : Open online platform
Project Official Pages
C.T. E.Nicolau, Focsani
IIS M.Filetico, Ferentino
Toki Halkali Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi
Agrupamento de Escolas da Maia
University of Minho
Venetokleio, 1st Lyceum of Rhodes
Zespol Szkol im. por. Jozefa Sarny w G
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The official pages of the project are:
Blic & Clic
BLIC+CLIC [1lykrod - Venetokleio]
Gorzyce Erasmus
Projeto Bringing life into the classroom
Blic&clic İstanbul
Blic&Clic - Project "Bringing Life into the Classroom" - Turkey
Toki Blicclic
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