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Intellectual Output 2 : Teaching Toolkit

This Teaching Toolkit presents different apps that may be used in the educational process with various mobile devices, without avoiding the use of a PC. Our goal was to encourage teachers to integrate ICT in their activity by facilitating the design of engaging Learning Activities. We had in mind that we must promote the evaluation of the use of mobile devices for the benefit of learning activities, and not for themselves.

We aimed to present some general considerations about mobile learning and how can we innovatively use mobile devices in the educational process.

Our goal is to provide teachers and trainers, in general, with a set of instruments, which can develop a new perspective for using digital resources in any educational process. Mobile devices are instruments to facilitate these practices, used to scale up the innovative use of ICT in or outside the school, within an education system. In our perspective, mobile devices are necessary tools that can be used to facilitate learning. We need them to supplement schools' resources, to extend learning process outside the classes walls, to prepare students for working life after their graduation.

To better frame our ideas, we started with the presentation of some general considerations about mobile learning and how can we innovatively use mobile devices in the educational process. As a result of theoretical considerations, we present some toolsets that can bring us closer to the demand and need of our students, who are, we must admit, "digital natives".

We propose two main types of toolsets: applications that aim to respond to a specific demand or applications that can be adapted for any educational process, as general resources. Each toolset has a range of resources that can be adapted to individual needs and local contexts. Each resource in these sets of tools can be used independently or as a set, along with other resources, to develop future classroom scenarios. We hope that using these toolsets contributes to actual changes, from a single classroom to whole school or wider education system.

We structured each tool presentation in a similar manner, that is the result of our experience as ICT in general and mobile device users, working with students on these devices. Bearing in mind that not all application can be used on any device, we present mostly those digital tools that can be used online, tailored for any platform, or for most users.

We recommend that each time you want to use one of the digital tools we propose, first verify if it is suitable for all platforms that you and your students have on your own devices. As a general consideration, technical conditions are important for a good usage of each application, since we need, for the most of the time, to be connected to the internet. That is why we don't recommend to access these resources and construct learning activities based on them, if you know that the network in your school doesn't provide a good internet connection for all students, or if they have not access to personal resources, to be connected online.

Petronia Moraru

BLIC&CLIC Project Coordinator

read / download Intellectual Output 2-part 1 (pp. 1-104)

read / download Intellectual Output 2-part 2 (pp. 105-180)

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